ice climbing in Reisadalen
f you are searching for an ice climbing paradise, your search is now over. You have just found it. Reisa Valley offers incredible ice-climbing lines of all kinds of difficulties and shapes. From extremely difficult, tricky, and remote giantic frozen Arctic waterfalls to easy but still cool beginner’s icefalls located close to the lodge. No matter how experienced you are, you can have great fun ice climbing in Reisa.
The first ice climbing lines usually appear in November, after temperatures drop below zero for several consecutive days. Small water streaks on wet rocks and small waterfalls in the Reisa Valley start to create thin ice glaze, which grows every day. By the middle of November, you can already climb in our outdoor ice-climbing gym (see photos below). Since December, you can usually start climbing big lines, even waterfalls like Imofossen or Little Mollis deep in Reisa National Park.
Not far from the lodge, we have a fantastic climbing arena, easily accessible after about a 5-minute walk from the car. There you find climbing for everyone! Even a total beginner who has never climbed before can try this cool sport without any fear on one of the easy lines. Contact us for availability.
If you are an ice climber and want to come for ice climbing in Reisa, our Reisa Lodge is undoubtedly the best place to stay. It’s right in the middle of many great climbing places. For more useful information about ice climbing, don’t hesitate to contact us.
ICE CLIMBing – info

Usually December till mid April
All imaginable ice climbing terrains
On request